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Jumat, 15 April 2011

peoples around me...

''ring..ring..ring..'' my phone is ringing.
''hello'' i answer.
''why my file lost??? i dont know why? where my file? would you help me??'' somebody panic in the phone....my sister speaking continously...
''how can?''i ask.''ok i will help you" i answer relax.
"i dont know,how can. yesterday my computer is ok.maybe somebody break my computer" i hear,she is still panic..
"ok.ok.ok.search in your computer the name of file.ok.wait a minutes the computer find your file." i give help.
"hohohohohoho...how?" she dont understand
"right klik start in the taksbar,search.ok...you can?" i said in my phone
"yeah.i got it.... i got it...thank you honey...hahahahaha" she laugh and end the telephone.
                 *10 minute later*
"ring..ring..ring" my phone ringing again. i see in the phone screen SMS coming.
i read SMS from my best friend. that SMS contain :
"please help me friend....this is emergency time..i know you can help me.. find theme to my next design. please help me dear. i wait!!!"
i reply my friend SMS :
"ok. honey. i think the next theme is about nature. nature is great theme i think. i hope you can sucsess with your next design."
she reply my SMS :
"i know you have great idea. this theme is amazing. thank you dear, you are my best friend. i will always depend you.hahahaha"
"omg. i am happy can help you my friend." i end that SMS.

*i wanna tell you more about my day....but, please visit my blog again*

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